Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012
#7 Hi again!
Hello guys! Long time not update this blog! Yeah coz i'm too busy (and lazy... lol xp) now i'll updating some new lyrics from KPOP idol... I know it was late but it's okay, i like to share lyrics song that i like ;D sorry guys and i hope you still like to read my blog! Enjoy! :D
Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012
Rabu, 04 Juli 2012
Our Destiny Part 6
Author: Aretha Amelia / Arethawr
Rating: G, PG 13
Genre: Friendship, romance (?)
Note: setelah hiatsu beberapa bulan akhirnya saya membawa part 6 ff ini B) gatau siapa yg baca tapi yasudahlah tulis saja (?) happy reading! mian kalau jelek, tidak memuaskan, dll._. hope you like it;) plot, OC, dan Sungjong adalah milik saya ;p
- Min Ha Ra [OC]
- Jung Sung Rin [OC]
- Nam Sung Young [OC]
- Lee Sung Jong
- Kim Myung Soo
- Lee Ho Won / Hoya
- Lee Sun Kyu / Sunny [Girls' Generation]
- Kim Soohyun [Aktor] (cameo)
- Lee Sun Kyu / Sunny [Girls' Generation]
- Kim Soohyun [Aktor] (cameo)
- Other Infinite member
Rating: G, PG 13
Genre: Friendship, romance (?)
Note: setelah hiatsu beberapa bulan akhirnya saya membawa part 6 ff ini B) gatau siapa yg baca tapi yasudahlah tulis saja (?) happy reading! mian kalau jelek, tidak memuaskan, dll._. hope you like it;) plot, OC, dan Sungjong adalah milik saya ;p
*Sungyoung POV's*
Aku menghela napas panjang... begitu toh rupanya, setelah mendengar semua penjelasan dari Sunny aku baru mengerti, aish neo jinjja, Sungjong benar-benar pabo! Malah Hara melarang aku, Woohyun oppa dan Myungsoo memberitahu yang lain lagi! Aish neo jinjja! "Sungyoung" panggil Hoya, aku menoleh "mwo?" tanyaku "kau ingin pulang?" tanyanya "eo" jawabku "ingin pulang bersamaku?" tawarnya, aku menatapnya sejenak, ia pun memandang arah lain "anio, aku akan pulang bersama Hara" jawabku "umm... Hara sudah pulang dengan Myungsoo" jawab Hoya, aku menatapnya lagi dengan tatapan kau-mau-apa "dwesseo, kalau kau tak mau yasudah, Woohyun hyung menyuruhku mengantarmu pulang tau!" jawab Hoya cepat sambil berjalan meninggalkanku "yaa! aish geurae, otte, kajja! Mana motormu?" pekikku sambil mengikutinya
*Hara POV's*
"Minggu ini kau bisa kan?" tanya Myungsoo "mianhae Myungsoo-ah, um Sungrin mengajakku jalan bersama" ujarku dengan sangat menyesal, setidaknya aku bersyukur berkat Sungrin aku tidak perlu pergi bersama Myungsoo, jujur aku risih ada Myungsoo, karena biasanya Sungjong lah yang selalu menemaniku "ohh, dwesseo, kita bisa mencari hari lain" ujarnya sambil tersenyum manis, aku hanya bisa tersenyum kaku dan masuk ke dalam rumah, aku segera masuk ke kamarku dan berbaring, aku menatap layar iphoneku, tidak ada sms masuk, padahal aku kangen dengan sms-sms lucu dari Sungjong... hh... Sungjong-ah tinggal beberapa bulan lagi waktu ku tersisa untuk disisimu, tak bisakah aku sedikit egois? Membiarkanmu disisiku... hanya sebentar saja?
*Sungjong POV's*
"Yaa Lee Sungjong!" panggil Dongwoo hyung *akhirnya Dongwoo muncul juga :p* "mwoya Hyung?" tanyaku sambil keluar kamar "cepat belikan beberapa bahan makanan, bahan makanan sudah hampir habis" ujarnya "yaa, mengapa mesti aku yang beli hyung?" protesku sambil menatap daftar belanjaan "yaa kau adalah maknae! Cepat pergi!" ujar Dongwoo hyung, aku hanya mendengus kesal sambil berjalan ke garasi rumah, aku segera menyalakan mobil dan menuju ke super market, sesampainya di super market aku segera memilih beberapa bahan makanan yang sudah ditulis oleh Dongwoo hyung di selembar kertas "BRUK" aku menabrak seorang yeoja "jwesonghamnida" ujarnya sambil merapikan bawaanku yang jatuh "ne... ohh, Hara?"
*Author POV's*
Kini Hara dengan Sungjong tengah duduk di sebuah cafe "umm, Sungjong-ah hari sudah mulai malam, apa kau tak takut dicari Sunny?" tanya Hara "mwo? ah anio" kata Sungjong "umm, oiya mengapa akhir-akhir ini saat kucari kau tidak ada Hara?" tanya Sungjong lagi "oh, aku tidak ingin mengganggu waktumu dengan Sunny" jawab Hara sambil meremas celana jeans yang ia kenakan "ahh, anio, kau tidak mengganggu, mengapa kita menjadi jauh begini? Kita kan sahabat, kau jangan canggung lagi, aku dan Sunny tak keberatan, arasso?" ujar Sungjong sambil menggebrak meja pelan "ahahaha, ne Sungjong" ujar Hara sambil senyum dipaksakan "itu justru akan makin menyiksaku Sungjong-ah" batin Hara "hari sudah mulai malam Hara, bagaimana kalau kau kuantar pulang?" tawar Sungjong, Hara hanya tersenyum kecil "anio, gwenchana aku akan pulang sendiri" ujar Hara sambil beranjak pergi, Sungjong menahan tangan Hara "Hara... mian" ujarnya, hampir saja pertahanan Hara runtuh, ia menoleh kearah Sungjong dan melepaskan tangannya "mwo? untuk apa kau minta maaf? kau tidak bersalah Jongie, jangan meminta maaf padaku" ujar Hara sambil tersenyum simpul dan melepas tangan Sungjong dan berjalan ke luar cafe "Hara... mian... aku terlalu takut untuk disisimu..." ujar Sungjong pelan
*Sungrin POV's*
Aku menatap sekelilingku pelan sambil menunggu Hara "annyeong Sungrin! mian aku telat" ujar Hara "ahh, ne, gwenchana" ujarku, tiba-tiba aku mendengar ponsel Hara berbunyi "itu siapa?" tanyaku, ia menatap layar handphone nya "ahh, igeo sms dari Myungsoo" ujar Hara sambil mematikan ponselnya "aahh, kau ada janji dengannya?" tanyaku memancing "ani, bukan masalah penting, kajja, kau ingin kemana?" tanya Hara "aaa ayo kita ke toko buku!" ajakku, setelah beberapa lama di toko buku Hara sudah asyik dengan bacaannya, kami sedang duduk di sofa yang berada di toko buku tersebut dengan saling berbelakangan *kayak sofa2 di gramed*a itulohh trus Sungrin senderan dipunggung Hara, Hara juga senderan dipunggugn Sungrin kaya belakang-belakangan, ngerti kan?* dengan perlahan aku mengambil ponsel Hara dan membuka smsnya "Hara, jebal, jangan menolakku lagi, aku akan menunggumu di bioskop mall xxx pukul 2, aku menunggumu" aku segera membalas sms itu "Myungsoo-ah bagaimana kita bertemu di mall xx pukul 3 saja?" lalu aku mengirim sms itu, mian Hara, aku terlalu mencintai Myungsoo, aku segera mengembalikan ponsel itu ke tas Hara sedangkan Hara masih asyik berkutat dengan bukunya "Hara-ya, aku ingin buang air kecil, ayo kita ke toilet" ajakku
*Author POV's*
Setelah buang air kecil Sungrin dan Hara pun narsis-narsisan di kaca toilet *alah pula apa ini-_-"* menggunakan handphone Hara, lalu mereka mencuci tangan, seperti yang direncanakan Sungrin dengan 'sengaja' ia menyenggol ponsel Hara sehingga jatuh ke wastafel toilet padahal saat itu Hara sedang cuci tangan "ahh mian Hara" ujar Sungrin, Hara tampak shock dan tersenyum simpul "gwenchana Sungrin-ah, kau pasti tidak sengaja, dwesseo" ujar Hara sambil mengambil ponselnya itu "kajja! aku akan membelikanmu ponsel baru!" ajak Sungrin sambil menarik tangan Hara, mereka pun ke toko handphone dan Sungrin membelikan Hara handphone baru, sebenarnya Sungrin tidak tega tapi dia harus berani melakukan ini demi cintanya, cinta memang membutuhkan pengorbanan bukan? "Hara, miaann sekali" ujar Sungrin sambil menunduk "gwenchana" kata Hara sambil tersenyum "kau juga sudah membelikanku nomor, memory card dan handphone baru kan? dwesseo jangan terlalu dipikirkan, kau tidak mengganti ponselku pun tak apa kok" ujar Hara sambil tetap tersenyum, ada sebersit rasa kecewa di hatinya, ya, beberapa foto Sungjong ada di memory card ponsel lamanya dan kini memory card nya rusak terkena air, Sungrin membatin "mian Hara, mian, aku tau aku salah tapi aku terpaksa melakukannya" "Hara... aku merasa kurang enak badan, bolehkah aku pulang?" tanya Sungrin "eo, ayo kita pulang, aku juga agak tidak enak badan"
*Myungsoo POV's*
Aku menatap jam tanganku sambil menunggu Hara, apa Hara akan datang? Aku takut ia tidak akan datang tapi aku harus percaya diri Hara pasti datang "Myungsoo-ah" aku menoleh ke arah suara itu "Ha... Sungrin?"
Maap jelek dan disini menjadikan Sungrin antagonis *terpaksa* kan ga seru kalo gaada yang antagonis u,uV
Kini Hara dengan Sungjong tengah duduk di sebuah cafe "umm, Sungjong-ah hari sudah mulai malam, apa kau tak takut dicari Sunny?" tanya Hara "mwo? ah anio" kata Sungjong "umm, oiya mengapa akhir-akhir ini saat kucari kau tidak ada Hara?" tanya Sungjong lagi "oh, aku tidak ingin mengganggu waktumu dengan Sunny" jawab Hara sambil meremas celana jeans yang ia kenakan "ahh, anio, kau tidak mengganggu, mengapa kita menjadi jauh begini? Kita kan sahabat, kau jangan canggung lagi, aku dan Sunny tak keberatan, arasso?" ujar Sungjong sambil menggebrak meja pelan "ahahaha, ne Sungjong" ujar Hara sambil senyum dipaksakan "itu justru akan makin menyiksaku Sungjong-ah" batin Hara "hari sudah mulai malam Hara, bagaimana kalau kau kuantar pulang?" tawar Sungjong, Hara hanya tersenyum kecil "anio, gwenchana aku akan pulang sendiri" ujar Hara sambil beranjak pergi, Sungjong menahan tangan Hara "Hara... mian" ujarnya, hampir saja pertahanan Hara runtuh, ia menoleh kearah Sungjong dan melepaskan tangannya "mwo? untuk apa kau minta maaf? kau tidak bersalah Jongie, jangan meminta maaf padaku" ujar Hara sambil tersenyum simpul dan melepas tangan Sungjong dan berjalan ke luar cafe "Hara... mian... aku terlalu takut untuk disisimu..." ujar Sungjong pelan
*Sungrin POV's*
Aku menatap sekelilingku pelan sambil menunggu Hara "annyeong Sungrin! mian aku telat" ujar Hara "ahh, ne, gwenchana" ujarku, tiba-tiba aku mendengar ponsel Hara berbunyi "itu siapa?" tanyaku, ia menatap layar handphone nya "ahh, igeo sms dari Myungsoo" ujar Hara sambil mematikan ponselnya "aahh, kau ada janji dengannya?" tanyaku memancing "ani, bukan masalah penting, kajja, kau ingin kemana?" tanya Hara "aaa ayo kita ke toko buku!" ajakku, setelah beberapa lama di toko buku Hara sudah asyik dengan bacaannya, kami sedang duduk di sofa yang berada di toko buku tersebut dengan saling berbelakangan *kayak sofa2 di gramed*a itulohh trus Sungrin senderan dipunggung Hara, Hara juga senderan dipunggugn Sungrin kaya belakang-belakangan, ngerti kan?* dengan perlahan aku mengambil ponsel Hara dan membuka smsnya "Hara, jebal, jangan menolakku lagi, aku akan menunggumu di bioskop mall xxx pukul 2, aku menunggumu" aku segera membalas sms itu "Myungsoo-ah bagaimana kita bertemu di mall xx pukul 3 saja?" lalu aku mengirim sms itu, mian Hara, aku terlalu mencintai Myungsoo, aku segera mengembalikan ponsel itu ke tas Hara sedangkan Hara masih asyik berkutat dengan bukunya "Hara-ya, aku ingin buang air kecil, ayo kita ke toilet" ajakku
*Author POV's*
Setelah buang air kecil Sungrin dan Hara pun narsis-narsisan di kaca toilet *
*Myungsoo POV's*
Aku menatap jam tanganku sambil menunggu Hara, apa Hara akan datang? Aku takut ia tidak akan datang tapi aku harus percaya diri Hara pasti datang "Myungsoo-ah" aku menoleh ke arah suara itu "Ha... Sungrin?"
Maap jelek dan disini menjadikan Sungrin antagonis *terpaksa* kan ga seru kalo gaada yang antagonis u,uV
Selasa, 03 Juli 2012
Is It Love? (Part 1)
Is it love?
Aretha Amelia
- Lee
Hye Rin (OC)
- Kim
Jongwoon aka Yesung
- Kim
Jongin aka Kai
- Kim
G, PG -15
Genre: Idk._.
Disini Yesung jadi solois, Jonghyun juga umurnya jadi sama kayak umur Yesung. Cerita
berasal dari otak sendiri, kalau ada kesamaan mohon dimaapkan._.v btw maaf ya
ini jadi FF gagal lagi T^T
HYUNG!” pekik Kai, aku menoleh “IGE MWOYAA” pekiknya sambil melemparkan sebuah
tabloid “Yesung, solois tampan yang memiliki suara emas itu ternyata seorang
GAY!” “YAA! APA INI!” jeritku ketakutan sambil melempar tabloid itu ke kaki Kai
“yaa hyung appo!” ujar Kai sambil meraba lututnya “aigoo, bagaimana bisa ini?
Aku seorang Yesung, solois tampan sang suara emas ini digosipkan gay? Ahh bisa
gila aku!” ujarku frustasi “hyung woles hyung woles *lu kira apaan ada
woles-wolesan-_-* bagaimana kalau kita beli minum diluar? Eo?” tawar Kai “ahh
eo” ujarku sambil mengambil jaket, topi, dan masker, begitu pula Kai
Rin POV’s*
eomeoni nee” ujarku sambil mematikan handphoneku, aku bergegas ke ruang Mr. Kim
“jwesonghamnida Mr. Kim, tadi eomma ku menelpon” ujarku “ne, ne, ne, oiya mana design
untuk majalah kita?” ujarnya sambil menyodorkan tangannya “dasar orang ini”
batinku “igo” ujarku sambil memberikan flashdisk kepadanya sambil melangkahkan kaki
ku keluar ruangannya “Ms. Lee” aku menoleh “nee Mr. Kim?” ujarku menahan kesal “kau ingin kemana?” tanyanya
lagi “bukankah urusanku sudah selesai?” ujarku kesal “tolong belikan aku
Cappuccino Latte di Café Lou Et La De” ujarnya sambil memberikan uang 20.000
won dengan senyum terpaksa aku menatapnya dengan melotot “NE MR. KIM JONGHYUN”
ujarku sambil mengambil uang itu dan bergegas keluar dari ruangannya
aku dan Kai sedang duduk di taman depan Café Lou Et La De, café ini memang
sangat nyaman walaupun harga minumannya sangaaat mahal “aigoo, apa yang harus
kita lakukan hyung?” tanyanya sambil mengaduk kopinya “entahlah aku juga bingung”
ujarku “ahh kau harus mencari pacar bohongan!” ujar Kai, aku menatapnya sinis
“michin” ujarku dalam “yaa hyung aku serius! Kau ingin image mu tercoreng?
Walaupun kau dijuluki ‘pemilik aegyeo termanis’ masa kau disebut gay?” ujar Kai
meng-ultimatum-ku-dengan-kata-gay “arra arra! Lalu apa usulmu? Aku harus
membuat skandal dengan seorang yeoja?” ujarku kesal “NE! KEUROM! Itu kau
mengerti ucapanku hyung!” ujar Kai bersemangat, aku menggelengkan kepalaku
lemah “yaa hyung kau harus percaya padaku kali iniii saja! Eo?” ujar Kai “yaa
gara-gara kau aku hampir dapat masalah! Biar kuhitung na, dul, set, ahh banyak
sekali aku percaya padamu tapi kau malah membuat masalah! Anio!” ujarku keras
“pokoknya kau harus percaya padaku hyung! Tak ada cara lain!” ujar Kai lagi,
aku memikirkan sejenak, memang sih tidak ada cara lain, satu-satunya cara
memang melakukan apa yang kai bilang “aish neo jinjja, keurom apa caramu?”
tanyaku tak sabar “oke, jadi kau harus membuat skandal, paling tidak dengan
seorang yeoja yang berumur 25 sampai sepantaran denganmu! Yeoja itu harus bukan
dari kalangan artis! Pokoknya kalian harus membuat skandal! Laluuu setelah
skandal gay mu menghilang paling tidak kau harus berpura-pura pacaran dengan
yeoja itu minimal 100 hari lalu pelan-pelan kau dan dia berjauhan, meskipun
akan dipertanyakan setidaknya skandal gay mu menghilang! Bagaimana hyung?”
jelas Kai panjaaang lebaaar “keurom aku seperti membuat yeoja itu terkenal?”
tanyaku lagi “ani hyung! Kau harus tetap menjaga identitasnya! Istilahnya kau
seperti membuat skandal dengan yeoja biasa nah tapi kau tidak mau membuka
identitas yeoja itu, saat ditanya pun kau jangan bilang memiliki kekasih, hanya
tersenyum misterius saja, Otte?” ujarnya lagi “hmm eo, keurom kita mencari
yeoja yang mau diajak bekerja sama itu dimana?” tanyaku “hmm baiklah, yeoja
pertama yang keluar dari pintu café, akan membantumu!” ujar Kai asal “MWO?
YAA!” pekikku kesal “sudahlah hyung, percaya saja dengan dongsaengmu ini!” ujar
Kai sambil menjilat bibirnya sendiri “hana… dul… set!”
Rin POV’s*
kembalian anda, kamshamida” ujar kasir, aku segera membawa pesanan si Jonghyun
sialan itu, aku segera membuka pintu café tiba-tiba ada yang mencegatku, aku
menoleh “annyeong Agassi” ujar namja itu “ada apa ya?” tanyaku saat menemukan 2
namja dihadapanku “ahh begini ada yang ingin kami bicarakan… apa Agassi
memiliki waktu? Sebentar saja” ujar namja yang tampak masih berumur yah
kira-kira 20 tahun “eo” ujarku sambil menatap mereka berdua sinis, namja itu
tampak tersenyum lebar sedangkan namja yang satunya yang sedaritadi diam
seperti mendengus, ada apa ini?
Super Junior - 헤어지는 날 (A ‘Good’ bye) Lyrics
[Kyuhyun] Amuri apado joha jigeum neol boreo gagi ttaemune
[Donghae] Moreojyeo itneun dongan neol neomu bogo sipeotgi ttaemune
[Ryeowook] Jogeumman deo jinamyeon neol dasi boge dwae seolreineun nal
Nae maeumi apado ipsureun jeojeolro utge doeneun nal
[Yesung] Deo isang neoege saranghae malhal su eobseojineun nal
Ireohke seolreneun heeojineun nal
[Siwon] Ralralralralra neoreul bomyeon haengbokhan ppeunya
[Sungmin] Saranghae neoreul saranghae balgeoreum majchueo gobaegeul hae
[Kangin] Jogeumman deo jinamyeon neol dasi boge dwae seolreineun nal
[Eunhyuk] Nae maeumi apado ipsureun jeojeolro utge doeneun nal
[Yesung] Deo isang neoege saranghae malhal su eobseojineun nal
[Leeteuk] Ireohke nae maeumi seolreneun oneurineun heeojineun nal
[Ryeowook] Miri apahal piryoneun eobseo geunyang jigeum idaero neoreul saranghae
[Yesung] Ralralralralra
[Shindong] Jogeuman deo jinamyeon neol dasi boge seolreineun nal
[Kyuhyun] Nae maeumi apado ipsureun jeojeolro utge dwineun nal
[Yesung + Kyuhyun] Ralralralralra
[Kyuhyun] Amuri apado joha jigeum I sunganmaneun haengbokhae
English Translation:
No matter how it hurts, it’s fine, because I’m going to see you now
Because I missed you so much during the time you were far away
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
The day when I no longer can tell you I love you
The day when break up that makes my heart flutter like this
I love you, I love you, I confess matching my steps
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
The day when I no longer can tell you I love you
The day when break up that makes my heart flutter like this
There’s no need to feel hurt beforehand. Now I just love you like this
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
No matter how it hurts, it’s fine, I’m happy just with this moment
Because I missed you so much during the time you were far away
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
The day when I no longer can tell you I love you
The day when break up that makes my heart flutter like this
I love you, I love you, I confess matching my steps
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
The day when I no longer can tell you I love you
The day when break up that makes my heart flutter like this
There’s no need to feel hurt beforehand. Now I just love you like this
The day when my heart flutters because I will get to see you in a while
The day when my lips naturally smile though my heart aches
No matter how it hurts, it’s fine, I’m happy just with this moment
아무리 아파도 좋아 지금 널 보러 가기 때문에
멀어져 있는 동안 널 너무 보고 싶었기 때문에
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
더 이상 너에게 사랑해 말할 수 없어지는 날
이렇게 설레는 헤어지는 날
사랑해 너를 사랑해 발걸음 맞춰 고백을 해
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
더 이상 너에게 사랑해 말할 수 없어지는 날
이렇게 내 마음이 설레는 오늘은 헤어지는 날
미리 아파할 필요는 없어 그냥 지금 이대로 너를 사랑해
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
아무리 아파도 좋아 지금 이 순간만은 행복해
멀어져 있는 동안 널 너무 보고 싶었기 때문에
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
더 이상 너에게 사랑해 말할 수 없어지는 날
이렇게 설레는 헤어지는 날
사랑해 너를 사랑해 발걸음 맞춰 고백을 해
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
더 이상 너에게 사랑해 말할 수 없어지는 날
이렇게 내 마음이 설레는 오늘은 헤어지는 날
미리 아파할 필요는 없어 그냥 지금 이대로 너를 사랑해
*조금만 더 지나면 널 다시 보게 돼 설레이는 날
내 마음이 아파도 입술은 저절로 웃게 되는 날
아무리 아파도 좋아 지금 이 순간만은 행복해
Super Junior - 빠삐용 (Butterfly) Lyrics
[Ryeowook] Jichin gidae seuchin sarang munggeujeok munggeujeok sumswideon ai
[Eunhyuk] Suthan sangcheo seulpeun nune ttororok ttororok ulgo itdeon ai
[Siwon] Boom- keunsoriga nadeon bam
[Eunhyuk] (Let it boom)
[Donghae] Boom- kkeopjireul ggaetdeongeoya
[Eunhyuk] (Yeah)
[Sungmin] Geochim eobsneun sorin machi seonmyeonghan sokdoro neoreul byeonhwasikyeo
[Leeteuk] Hoksi chalna heosang ilkka uisime uisimeul meomchul su eobseotji
[Kangin] Bing- eojireopgin haetjiman
[Shindong] (Let it bounce)
[Siwon] Wing- nalgaereul eodeun geoya
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Kyuhyun] Meotjin chumeul chweo aiya
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Kyuhyun] Sangcheoreul beoseun nabiya
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Yesung] Dalkomhan bameul gareugo
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Yesung] Sechage nara nabiya
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
[Shindong] Gin sigan donganui chimmugeul kkae
[Eunhyuk] Jayureul hyanghae sori jireul ttae
[Shindong] Neoreul neodapge salge
[Eunhyuk] Pyeolchyeojil geol nalgae
[Shindong] Realize neoui junjae
[Eunhyuk] You’re alive nunbusige
[Eunhyuk + Shindong] You fly high. Up in the sky.
[Donghae] Kkum sok geu sok gipeun mam sok pareureu pareureu tteolrideon geu sok
[Kyuhyun] Kkum sok geu sok gipeun mam sok eojedo oneuldo gwiruphin sangcheo
[Siwon] Boom- keunsoriga nadeon bam
[Leeteuk] (Let it boom)
[Sungmin] Boom- kkeopjireul kkaetdeon geoya
[Ryeowook] (Oh yeah)
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Ryeowook] Meotjin chumeul chweo aiya
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Ryeowook] Sangcheoreul beoseul nabiya
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Sungmin] Dalkomhan bameul gareugo
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Sungmin] Sechage nara nabiya
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
[Ryeowook] Eokgeobui siganeul beotyeo wanseongdwin nunbusin neoui moseup
[Yesung] Jukeun bameul kkaeweo ijen chumeul chuge hae
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Leeteuk] Geochin sumeuro norae hae
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Leeteuk] Jichin eokkaereul pyeoge hae
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Kyuhyun] Dalkomhan bameul gareugo
[All] Ppappiyong ppi ppappappappiyong
[Kyuhyun] Sechage nara nabiya
[All] Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
English Translation:
A baby that used to drawlingly breathe with a worn-out anticipation and love that just brushed by
A baby that used to be crying with sad eyes, numerous wounds
Boom- the night with loud noises (let it boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (Yeah)
The sharp sound makes you trasform with remarkable speed
You couldn’t stop suspecting if it was just an instant delusion, right?
Bing- though it was surreal (let it boom)
Wing- You got your wings
*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
It’s time to break your prolonged silence and cry out toward freedom
So that you can live the way you are, spread your wings
Realize your existence, you’re alive dazzlingly
You fly high up in the sky
Inside your dreams, there in, inside your heart, those trembling hands
Inside your dreams, there in, inside your heart, the wound that has been troubling you yesterday, today
Boom- the night with loud noises (let it boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (Yeah)
*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Your sparkling figure, completed after enduring the duration of eternity
Wake up the night that has died down, now make it dance
*Papillon pi papapapillon, sing with your heavy breath
Papillon pi papapapillon, spread your worn-out shoulders
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
A baby that used to be crying with sad eyes, numerous wounds
Boom- the night with loud noises (let it boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (Yeah)
The sharp sound makes you trasform with remarkable speed
You couldn’t stop suspecting if it was just an instant delusion, right?
Bing- though it was surreal (let it boom)
Wing- You got your wings
*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
It’s time to break your prolonged silence and cry out toward freedom
So that you can live the way you are, spread your wings
Realize your existence, you’re alive dazzlingly
You fly high up in the sky
Inside your dreams, there in, inside your heart, those trembling hands
Inside your dreams, there in, inside your heart, the wound that has been troubling you yesterday, today
Boom- the night with loud noises (let it boom)
Boom- it was your skin cracked (Yeah)
*Papillon pi papapapillon, dance a beautiful dance, baby
Papillon pi papapapillon, you butterfly free of wound
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Your sparkling figure, completed after enduring the duration of eternity
Wake up the night that has died down, now make it dance
*Papillon pi papapapillon, sing with your heavy breath
Papillon pi papapapillon, spread your worn-out shoulders
*Papillon pi papapapillon, pierce the sweet night
Papillon pi papapapillon, fly vigorously, butterfly
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
지친 기대 스친 사랑 뭉그적 뭉그적 숨쉬던 아이
숱한 상처 슬픈 눈에 또로록 또로록 울고 있던 아이
Boom- 큰소리가 나던 밤 (Let it Boom)
Boom- 껍질을 깼던거야 (Yeah)
거침 없는 소린 마치 선명한 속도로 너를 변화시켜
혹시 찰나 허상 일까 의심에 의심을 멈출 수 없었지
Bing- 어지럽긴 했지만 (Let it boom)
Wing- 날개를 얻은 거야
*빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 멋진 춤을 춰 아이야
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 상처를 벗은 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
긴 시간 동안의 침묵을 깨 자유를 향해 소리 지를 때
너를 너답게 살게 펼쳐질 걸 날개
Realize 너의 존재 You’re alive 눈부시게
You fly high. Up in the sky.
꿈 속 그 속 깊은 맘 속 파르르 파르르 떨리던 그 손
꿈 속 그 속 깊은 맘 속 어제도 오늘도 널 괴롭힌 상처
Boom- 큰소리가 나던 밤 (Let it Boom)
Boom- 껍질을 깼던 거야 (oh yeah)
*빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 멋진 춤을 춰 아이야
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 상처를 벗은 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
억겁의 시간을 버텨 완성된 눈부신 너의 모습
죽은 밤을 깨워 이젠 춤을 추게 해-
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 거친 숨으로 노래 해
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 지친 어깨를 펴게 해
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
숱한 상처 슬픈 눈에 또로록 또로록 울고 있던 아이
Boom- 큰소리가 나던 밤 (Let it Boom)
Boom- 껍질을 깼던거야 (Yeah)
거침 없는 소린 마치 선명한 속도로 너를 변화시켜
혹시 찰나 허상 일까 의심에 의심을 멈출 수 없었지
Bing- 어지럽긴 했지만 (Let it boom)
Wing- 날개를 얻은 거야
*빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 멋진 춤을 춰 아이야
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 상처를 벗은 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
긴 시간 동안의 침묵을 깨 자유를 향해 소리 지를 때
너를 너답게 살게 펼쳐질 걸 날개
Realize 너의 존재 You’re alive 눈부시게
You fly high. Up in the sky.
꿈 속 그 속 깊은 맘 속 파르르 파르르 떨리던 그 손
꿈 속 그 속 깊은 맘 속 어제도 오늘도 널 괴롭힌 상처
Boom- 큰소리가 나던 밤 (Let it Boom)
Boom- 껍질을 깼던 거야 (oh yeah)
*빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 멋진 춤을 춰 아이야
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 상처를 벗은 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce-
억겁의 시간을 버텨 완성된 눈부신 너의 모습
죽은 밤을 깨워 이젠 춤을 추게 해-
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 거친 숨으로 노래 해
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 지친 어깨를 펴게 해
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 달콤한 밤을 가르고
빠삐용 삐 빠빠빠삐용 세차게 날아 나비야
Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom Let it Boom
Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce Let it Bounce
Super Junior - 언젠가는 (Someday) Lyrics
[Donghae] Jeolmeul naren jeolmeumeul moreugo
Saranghal ttaen sarangi boiji anhatne
[Sungmin] Hajiman ije dwidoraboni
Urin jeolmgo seoro sarangel haetguna
[Eunhyuk] Nunmul gateun siganui gang wie
Tteonaeryeoganeun geon han dabarui chueok
[Kangin] Geureohke ije dwi doraboni
Jeolmeumdo sarangdo aju sojunghaetguna
[Ryeowook] Eojenganeun uri dasi mannari
Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
[Siwon] Eonjenganeun uri dasi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..
[Shindong] Jeolmeun naren jeolmeumeul ijeotgo
Saranghal ttaen sarangi heunhaeman boyeotne
[Kyuhyun] Hajiman ije saenggakhae boni
Urin jeolmgo seoro sarangeul haetguna
[Leeteuk] Eojenganeun uri dasi mannari
[Leeteuk + Kyuhyun] Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
[Yesung] Eonjenganeun uri dasi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..
[Ryeowook] Eonjengan uri dasi mannari
[Kyuhyun] Eonjengan uri dasi mannari
[Yesung] Idaero
[Ryeowook] Idaero
[All] Eojenganeun uri dasi mannari
Eodiro ganeunji amudo moreujiman
Eonjenganeun uri dasi mannari
Heeojin moseup idaero..
English Translation:
When we were young we did not realise our youth
When we loved we did not realise our love for each other
But now returning to the past
Back then we were that young, and loved that way
Most of the memories have gone with the tear-filled river of time
Slowly flowing away
But now returning to the past
The youth and love of the past was so precious
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
When we were young we forgot our youth
When we loved we saw it as too boring
But now thinking back
Back then we were that young, and loved that way
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
Someday, we will meet again
Someday, we will meet again
Just like this, just like this
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
When we loved we did not realise our love for each other
But now returning to the past
Back then we were that young, and loved that way
Most of the memories have gone with the tear-filled river of time
Slowly flowing away
But now returning to the past
The youth and love of the past was so precious
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
When we were young we forgot our youth
When we loved we saw it as too boring
But now thinking back
Back then we were that young, and loved that way
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
Someday, we will meet again
Someday, we will meet again
Just like this, just like this
Someday, we will meet again
Even though we don’t know where we will go
Someday, we will meet again
With already separated identities…
젊은 날엔 젊음을 모르고
사랑할 땐 사랑이 보이지 않았네
하지만 이제 뒤돌아보니
우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
눈물 같은 시간의 강 위에
떠내려가는 건 한 다발의 추억
그렇게 이제 뒤돌아보니
젊음도 사랑도 아주 소중했구나
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
젊은 날엔 젊음을 잊었고
사랑할 땐 사랑이 흔해만 보였네
하지만 이제 생각해 보니
우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
언젠간 우리 만나리 언젠간 우리 다시 만나리 이대로 이대로
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
사랑할 땐 사랑이 보이지 않았네
하지만 이제 뒤돌아보니
우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
눈물 같은 시간의 강 위에
떠내려가는 건 한 다발의 추억
그렇게 이제 뒤돌아보니
젊음도 사랑도 아주 소중했구나
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
젊은 날엔 젊음을 잊었고
사랑할 땐 사랑이 흔해만 보였네
하지만 이제 생각해 보니
우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
언젠간 우리 만나리 언젠간 우리 다시 만나리 이대로 이대로
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리
헤어진 모습 이대로..
Super Junior - Rockstar Lyrics
[Donghae] Sikkeuroun eumaksori naee meoril japgo heundeulheundeul
[Eunhyuk] Heundeuleo heundeuleo meorireul heundeuleo
[Siwon] Hwaryeohan i jomyeong arae oneulbam kkeuteul japgo nolgo
[Shindong] Dalrigo dalrigo oneuldo dalrigo
[Kyuhyun] Nae eumage modu michyeo everywhere on radio
[Ryeowook] Nae hanmadie modu Follow everywhere I go,
[Yesung] Da wichyeo High wicheo Low oneul nawa gati Go,
[Donghae] Hansume igeotjjeum hwak sseureobeoryeo
[Eunhyuk] Oh my god. I’m so hot
[All] Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Nolja
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
[Leeteuk] Girl I’m a Rockstar seonggyeok an joha yeminhaeseo geondeurimyeon aju mak naga
[Eunhyuk] Yeah I’m a Rockstar uri mak nora du malhaji anha momeul umjigyeo Move right now~
[Kyuhyun] Nae eumage modu michyeo everywhere on radio
[Sungmin] Nae hanmadie modu Follow everywhere I go,
[Kangin] Da wichyeo High wicheo Low oneul nawa gati Go,
[Leeteuk] Hansume igeotjjeum hwak sseureobeoryeo
[Eunhyuk] Oh my god. It’s so hard
[All] Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Nolja!!!
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
[Sungmin] Well I’mma break it down
Yeah I’mma break it down
[Ryeowook] Keun sumeul deuryeo masigo hanbeon deo Break it down.
[All] Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. nolja!!!
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
시끄러운 음악소리 내 머릴 잡고 흔들흔들
흔들어 흔들어 머리를 흔들어
화려한 이 조명 아래 오늘밤 끝을 잡고 놀고
달리고 달리고 오늘도 달리고
*내 음악에 모두 미쳐 Everywhere on radio
내 한마디에 모두 Follow everywhere I go,
다 외쳐 High, 외쳐 Low, 오늘 나와 같이 Go,
한숨에 이것쯤 확 쓸어버려.
Oh my god. I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Girl I’m a Rockstar 성격 안 좋아 예민해서 건드리면 아주 막 나가
Yeah I’m a Rockstar 우리 막 놀아 두 번 말하지 않아 몸을 움직여
Move right now~
*내 음악에 모두 미쳐 Everywhere on radio
내 한마디에 모두 Follow everywhere I go,
다 외쳐 High, 외쳐 Low, 오늘 나와 같이 Go,
한숨에 이것쯤 확 쓸어버려.
Oh my god. It’s so hard
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)
Well I’mma break it down,
Yeah I’mma break it down,
큰 숨을 들여 마시고 한번 더 Break it down.
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)
흔들어 흔들어 머리를 흔들어
화려한 이 조명 아래 오늘밤 끝을 잡고 놀고
달리고 달리고 오늘도 달리고
*내 음악에 모두 미쳐 Everywhere on radio
내 한마디에 모두 Follow everywhere I go,
다 외쳐 High, 외쳐 Low, 오늘 나와 같이 Go,
한숨에 이것쯤 확 쓸어버려.
Oh my god. I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Girl I’m a Rockstar 성격 안 좋아 예민해서 건드리면 아주 막 나가
Yeah I’m a Rockstar 우리 막 놀아 두 번 말하지 않아 몸을 움직여
Move right now~
*내 음악에 모두 미쳐 Everywhere on radio
내 한마디에 모두 Follow everywhere I go,
다 외쳐 High, 외쳐 Low, 오늘 나와 같이 Go,
한숨에 이것쯤 확 쓸어버려.
Oh my god. It’s so hard
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)
Well I’mma break it down,
Yeah I’mma break it down,
큰 숨을 들여 마시고 한번 더 Break it down.
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. 놀자!!!
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Rockstar~ (**Repeat x2)
English Translation:
The noisy music takes my head and makes it swing
Swing swing makes my head swing
Under this splendid light, have fun as tonight draws to an end
Run and run and run today too
Everyone goes crazy about my music, everywhere on radio
At my word, everyone follow everywhere I go
They all scream high, scream low, today let’s go together with me
With one breath, I sweep away about this much
Oh my god, I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!
I’m a Rockstar
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Girl, I’m a Rockstar, my character is bad
I’m sensitive so if you meddle with me, I let it all out
Yeah, I’m a Rockstar, let’s just have fun
I don’t say it a second time, move your body
Move right now
Everyone goes crazy about my music, everywhere on radio
At my word, everyone follow everywhere I go
They all scream high, scream low, today let’s go together with me
With one breath, I sweep away about this much
Oh my god, I’m so hard
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Well I’mma break it down
Yeah I’mma break it down
Take a deep breath and break it down one more time
Oh my god, I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!
I’m a Rockstar
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Swing swing makes my head swing
Under this splendid light, have fun as tonight draws to an end
Run and run and run today too
Everyone goes crazy about my music, everywhere on radio
At my word, everyone follow everywhere I go
They all scream high, scream low, today let’s go together with me
With one breath, I sweep away about this much
Oh my god, I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!
I’m a Rockstar
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Girl, I’m a Rockstar, my character is bad
I’m sensitive so if you meddle with me, I let it all out
Yeah, I’m a Rockstar, let’s just have fun
I don’t say it a second time, move your body
Move right now
Everyone goes crazy about my music, everywhere on radio
At my word, everyone follow everywhere I go
They all scream high, scream low, today let’s go together with me
With one breath, I sweep away about this much
Oh my god, I’m so hard
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Well I’mma break it down
Yeah I’mma break it down
Take a deep breath and break it down one more time
Oh my god, I’m so hot
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Turn it up
Come on D.J. Let’s have fun!!!
I’m a Rockstar
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
**I’m a Rockstar~
I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar~ I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rockstarstar~star~star~
Super Junior - 달콤씁쓸 (Bittersweet) Lyrics
[Kyuhyun] Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal jugineun ne geu mal
Gamanhi kkaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
[Yesung] Miwohaji motae saranghajido motae
Gyeolguk domangchyeobeorindan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae
[Ryeowook] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne
geu mal
[Sungmin] Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[Kyuhyun] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul ppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotdamyeon
[Sungmin] Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal utge haetdeon geu mal
Gamanhi kkaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
[Ryeowook] Miwohaji motae saranghajido motae
Jinamyeon da ijeul georan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae
[Kyuhyun] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne geu
[Sungmin] Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[Yesung] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geotdeulppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotgil
[Ryeowook] Doraga, nega itdeon jariro
[Yesung] Nega nal moreudeon deo yetnallo
[Kyuhyun] Dasineun ireon sarang hajimalja
[Ryeowook] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne
geu mal
[Yesung] Geu janinhan ipsul nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[All] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul ppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo
[Kyuhyun] Amugeotdo anieotdamyeon
[Kyuhyun] Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal jugineun ne geu mal
Gamanhi kkaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
[Yesung] Miwohaji motae saranghajido motae
Gyeolguk domangchyeobeorindan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae
[Ryeowook] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne
geu mal
[Sungmin] Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[Kyuhyun] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul ppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotdamyeon
[Sungmin] Dalkomhan ne geu mal nal utge haetdeon geu mal
Gamanhi kkaemulmyeon sseudisseun geu mal geumanhae
[Ryeowook] Miwohaji motae saranghajido motae
Jinamyeon da ijeul georan geu mal jebal geuman geumanhae
[Kyuhyun] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne geu
[Sungmin] Geu janinhan ipsul, nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[Yesung] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geotdeulppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo amu geotdo anieotgil
[Ryeowook] Doraga, nega itdeon jariro
[Yesung] Nega nal moreudeon deo yetnallo
[Kyuhyun] Dasineun ireon sarang hajimalja
[Ryeowook] Samkil su eobseotdeon mal, geutorok tteugeopgo dokhaetdeon ne
geu mal
[Yesung] Geu janinhan ipsul nameun nae miryeonmajeo chagapge jareugo gani
[All] On gaseum eoreobuteun nae gyeoten sarajineun geot deul ppuniya
Charari uri cheoeumbuteo
[Kyuhyun] Amugeotdo anieotdamyeon
English Translation:
The words from that sweet you, placed me in the words from the dead you
Those biting words are really bitter, don’t speak of them anymore
Unable to hate yet unable to love, ultimately all that can be done is to run from those words, please don’t speak of them anymore
Unable to swallow these words, such fiery and yet poisonous words coming from you
That cruel mouth, to the extent where others’ obsessions with me are just coldly broken and (you) walk away
Only disappearing from my body, where my heart has already frozen over and turned to ice
(I’d) Rather that nothing ever happened between us from the very beginning
Go back, go back to where you were
Go back to the times when you hadn’t met me
(I) Don’t want to have this kind of love ever again
Unable to swallow these words, such fiery and yet poisonous words coming from you
That cruel mouth, to the extent where others’ obsessions are just coldly broken and (you) walk away
Only disappearing from my body, where my heart has already frozen over and turned to ice
(I’d) Rather that nothing ever happened between us from the very beginning
Those biting words are really bitter, don’t speak of them anymore
Unable to hate yet unable to love, ultimately all that can be done is to run from those words, please don’t speak of them anymore
Unable to swallow these words, such fiery and yet poisonous words coming from you
That cruel mouth, to the extent where others’ obsessions with me are just coldly broken and (you) walk away
Only disappearing from my body, where my heart has already frozen over and turned to ice
(I’d) Rather that nothing ever happened between us from the very beginning
Go back, go back to where you were
Go back to the times when you hadn’t met me
(I) Don’t want to have this kind of love ever again
Unable to swallow these words, such fiery and yet poisonous words coming from you
That cruel mouth, to the extent where others’ obsessions are just coldly broken and (you) walk away
Only disappearing from my body, where my heart has already frozen over and turned to ice
(I’d) Rather that nothing ever happened between us from the very beginning
달콤한 네 그 말 날 죽이는 네 그 말 가만히 깨물면 쓰디쓴 그 말 그만해
미워하지 못해 사랑하지도 못해 결국 도망쳐버린단 그 말 제발 그만 그만해
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술, 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것 들 뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무 것도 아니었다면
달콤한 네 그 말 날 웃게 했던 그 말 가만히 깨물면 쓰디쓴 그 말 그만해
미워하지 못해 사랑하지도 못해 지나면 다 잊을 거란 그 말 제발 그만 그만해
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술, 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것들뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무 것도 아니었길
돌아가, 네가 있던 자리로
네가 날 모르던 더 옛날로
다시는 이런 사랑 하지말자
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것 들 뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무것도 아니었다면
미워하지 못해 사랑하지도 못해 결국 도망쳐버린단 그 말 제발 그만 그만해
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술, 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것 들 뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무 것도 아니었다면
달콤한 네 그 말 날 웃게 했던 그 말 가만히 깨물면 쓰디쓴 그 말 그만해
미워하지 못해 사랑하지도 못해 지나면 다 잊을 거란 그 말 제발 그만 그만해
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술, 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것들뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무 것도 아니었길
돌아가, 네가 있던 자리로
네가 날 모르던 더 옛날로
다시는 이런 사랑 하지말자
*삼킬 수 없었던 말, 그토록 뜨겁고 독했던 네 그 말
그 잔인한 입술 남은 내 미련마저 차갑게 자르고 가니
온 가슴 얼어붙은 내 곁엔 사라지는 것 들 뿐이야
차라리 우리 처음부터 아무것도 아니었다면
Postingan (Atom)